Time seems to be flying by right before our very own eyes. The babies are getting so big, it is amazing how much they have changed in just 4 short months. I can remember those days of sheer survival, and now we are actually living life and loving it. We went to the pediatrician last week for their check up. I have to tell you the funniest things happen there. I say funny, because if we didn't laugh I would probably cry. First we get there, and mom and I realize they need to eat for the two o'clock feeding. Great, I was afraid of this. We always try to feed them before we go anywhere. So mom and I proceed to feed the babies. Everything was going great until they called us back to see the dr. We get them all weighed and measured, the dr. comes in starts assessing everyone, and Cooper pees all over Dr. Binder and Cole's face. Then we move on to Casen well he was doing his usually crying and wanting to be held, after Dr. Binder was finished with him, he proceeds to show the dr. how strong he is by rolling over on the table of course he was right next to the end where the table drops off. Luckily I was there to catch the worm. Now mind you mom has Ella and Cooper in her arms, and Cole was being his normal patient self and waiting his turn, all the while talking to Dr. Binder trying so hard to get his attention. Next we were on to Miss Ella, and finally Cole. While we were looking at the growth charts, Ella coughs before we knew it she was projectile vomiting on to me, in my shoes, down my pant leg, and of course onto the dr.'s shoes. We get that mess cleaned up, and I look over and Cole has puked on Dr. Binder's shirt. I guess that will show everyone not to ignore him, or otherwise he will puke on you. Haha We got finished, they got their shots OOOUUCCHH!!! That was horrible. Then it was off to load them up and head home. It was a total of 2 hrs of an appt. For the good news, they babies are all pushing themselves up from their arms. He would like to see them pushing up more of their torso as well. They have all learned to roll over, except Ella. Ella would have to be awake long enough to learn to roll over. I guess the queen needs her sleep. They have all learned to coo and Cole is now giggling it is so cute. And for the biggest news of all. COOPER is the biggest of them all. Who would of thought the sickest baby would surpass his siblings, he is now being referred to as our linebacker. The pedi wants them to be able to reach out for objects, grabbing objects, pushing themselves up even more and rolling over without any effort. All of this by our 6 month check up which will be in October. They have also been enrolled in an RSV clinic to receive vaccinations to help prevent them from getting this. It is basically pneumonia in babies, and could be fatal. So we got to keep up with the hand washing and keeping the babies indoors more.
Here are their weights and heights
Ella: 10lbs 8oz 20 1/4 in
Cole: 10lbs 14oz 21 3/4 in
Cooper: 11lbs 4oz 21in
Casen: 10lbs 7oz 21 1/2 in
I decided to include pics from when they were 4 days old and now 4 mos old.


