As many of you know we live 10 minutes from Galveston, where Ike decided to make landfall. We sat and watched the news hoping and praying is wasn't coming for us, but Ike had other plans. So on Monday I went down and reserved a u-haul trailer (a small one) but non the less we were gonna need it. Jeremy went and picked it up on Wednesday, and I was supposed to start packing. Jeremy had to work nights, he was in the middle of a shutdown at the plant. I tried and tried to get motivated, but I just couldn't get it done. So about 9pm that night I finally started packing. I got word from Jeremy that BP was putting us up at the Menger in San Antonio for the hurricane, I realized I had to get my butt in gear. It's not like I had 8 people to pack for or anything. HAHA I finally went to bed at 1am ( all the while keeping in touch with Christie, Tammie and Jeremy) Then at 4am Jeremy calls me from work and tells me I have to get up and get everything done, because we HAVE to get out of town. Great now panic mode has set in. I know, I know it was my own fault I should of been finished packing. But honestly, all I could think of was what do I pack, and being crammed in a hotel room with 5 1/2 mo old quads and a 9 & 5 year old. We get everything packed and loaded, fed the babies, and me, mom, and all 6 kids kissed our daddy by and left for San Antonio. He would be coming, but he had to be released from work and finish getting things boarded up at home. We were doing really well, no major traffic (except a little on the belt way & some construction in Columbus) other than that the traffic was fine. The babies did AWESOME. I had done a lot of praying about this before we left and while we were on the rode. We stopped to feed the babies in Katy at the Home Depot parking lot, it was quite a scene I am sure. Then Cooper and Ella decided they weren't going to eat, so we had to stop a little later at the rest stop in Engle. After that stop we had to make one last stop for gas. So we stopped at Buccee's in Luling. Man, I love me some Buccee's. We picked us up some beef jerky and chewy pecan pralines. YUMMY!!! We finally arrived at the Menger, after a couple of circles around the hotel. I hate one ways by the way. I went to the BP desk to check in and they told me we were supposed to be at the Crockett hotel. OK, so I drove across the street and got out and proceeded to check in. Here where it gets a little hairy. I told them we have 8 people in our party, six of the people were under the age of 9. I knew we were getting two rooms, so I had already called ahead the night before to make sure they are joining rooms. YES, it what they told me. WRONG, they had us in two rooms, and they were 4 rooms apart. Seriously, have you ever heard of separating children under the age of 9 from their parents room????? The guy looks at me and says "Sorry I don't know what to tell you, there is nothing I can do for you." At this point the babies have been in the car seats for 7 hrs, they were crying and sweating and this guy has just told me there is nothing he can do. Ok so if you know me you know what happened next. I started crying and told him I had 5 mo old quads, a 9 year old and 5 year old and my husband was not with me. I told him he had to do something, and I had already called and they assured me I had two joining rooms. Then this sweet little lady kept trying to give me Kleenex, but seriously I was not really needing kleenex at that time. I needed a place to be able to take me babies to. Then the manager comes out and tells me she has worked something out for me. Of course this whole time I am crying to Jeremy on the phone, who by the way is stuck in traffic in Houston. Needless to say we get to our room, and they gave us a suite with two double beds, and a couch that made out into a bed, and a room still four doors down with a king size bed. The bell boys were so incredibly wonderful. They had of course 4 carts full of our stuff and brought to the room and unloaded everything. I figured they probably thought I was crazy and didn't want to mess with me. We finally got settled in and put up the beds for the babies to take a nap. Thanks to Jen Murray for recommending the kidpods they are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
I continued to keep in contact with Jeremy and my step mom and sisters until they all made it safely to San Antonio as well. Christie, Matt, Alyssa and Kylee had made it as well and were safe and sound with us. Her family was not too far behind either. My only worry was my dad and our good friends the Floyds and chosen to stay behind. However, 12 hrs before the storm hit the Floyd's packed up and left.
After a short time in the hotel the Briones came over to see us. They commented on how big our hotel room was, so make a long story short we did some switching of hotels and rooms. This allowed us to have a room directly across the hall and they were 4 doors down.
Bp was wonderful, I can't say enough about my husband's company. They not only put us up in a hotel free of charge, ( a nice one I might add) the paid for 3 meals a day. This was the babies favorite part, not because of the food, but because they got tons of attention and people stopping us to talk to them. They loved it, they would smile and coo at everyone, and I must admit we only got ONE rude comment. ( I can handle that) They gave Six flags and zoo tickets away. They really went above and beyond for their employees and family members. Thank you BP!!
We didn't do Six Flags, but we did the zoo and we had a great time. I have pics below.
After the storm passed we kept getting updates from my dad and other friends and family. It seemed as if Texas City escaped the brunt of the storm. It as mainly trees, fences, roofs and NO POWER. Other than that we were going to be ok.
We returned on Thursday, and got a phone call an hour before we were home that our power had just come on. Another blessing from the man upstairs. We got home safe and sound and again the babies did great. We did have to stop and feed them once, this time it was a Mobile gas station. We got the babies out left them in their diapers for a while and they were so cute, they rolled around and stretched out, and if giving praise they were out of their car seats. We put them to bed, and unpacked the uhaul and car. I could not wait to take a hot bath and crawl into my own bed. The babies must of felt the same way, because they did not wake up until 7:30 am the next morning.
As far as damage, we had minimal damage. We did lose half of a fence, and a piece of patio furniture, but other than that all was good. We realized how blessed we are and continue to keep the other families that lost more and even those who lost everything in our thoughts and prayers. It could have just as easily been us.
Never losing sight of why we were in San Antonio in the first place, we did enjoy the time we got to spend with our good friends and family. The Briones, Perez's, Ayala's and Trosclairs did take advantage of sight seeing some of San Antonio. We took the Trolley to the Market and ate & celebrated Auntie Ashley's birthday at Mi Tierra's, visited the Alamo, zoo, and just spent time together.
We decided too while we were there that BP was the name of the company that all the men worked for, but also it stood for the Briones & Perez' Just a little humor in a stressful situation.
Before I close I would like to thank everyone that helped us in Texas City, and thank you to Mamaw, the Briones, Ayala's and Trosclairs for all your help while we were in San Antonio we couldn't have done it with out you all.