I decided this year to go with the Dr. Suess Cat in the Hat theme~ I have to admit, I thought it turned out really cute! I also did something different this year, I hired someone to come over take all the picture at the birthday party, that way I could ACTUALLY enjoy it. I will tell you it was WELL WORTH THE MONEY! I wasn't worried the whole time if I was getting in on camera or if I was missing something. Because lets be honest with four of them at once you will miss something!
I had the big cake made from a local girl here who does cakes, and I made the 4 small ones for each of the babies, I don't think they turned out to bad!
Gavin and Cole aka: CoCo. If you notice they changed outfits at the party for two reasons. One I didn't want cake all over the new yellow shirts and TWO, I used the yellow shirts with the plaid shorts for their Easter outfit the next day! I just ordered the thing 1,2,3 & 4 iron ons from Ebay.

Cooper and Daddy, can you tell Easter was the next day? Cooper LOVES this car.

This was one of their birthday presents, they loved this picnic table! I love it too. I folds up for easy storage and the umbrella is a great added bonus! They also got the water/sand table with an umbrella for their birthday! That was so funny watching them splash each other with the water, we haven't tried sand in it yet.
Some of the yummy fruits we served! This is one of my favorite punches~it is cherry limeaide, just like Sonic. It is always such a hit with the kids and adults.
The kids were too funny eating their cake this year. Since they now use forks they weren't really sure "how" to eat it. I love this one of Ella. I eventually had to give them forks. Cooper took his cake and dumped it on the floor before we even started singing happy birthday~

Ella and Casen were the only two interested in opening presents. You see here they got a potty from their Nonnie & Popo, well let me just say, we are not anywhere near potty training yet~
Casen with his Auntie Ashley!
I love this picture of Kennedy in the jump house! Haiden was no where in sight for pictures!
Ella was stealing everyones candy boxes~ She is such a hoarder!
They had such a great party with lots of family, friends & food. A fellow quad mom, Betsy and her crew came to celebrate our big day with us as well. I still can't believe that they are two already, I am to scard to blink, because the next thing I know they will be in Kindergarten. We are so blessed to have these 2lb miracles in our lives and I thank God for them everyday!

Cooper and Daddy, can you tell Easter was the next day? Cooper LOVES this car.

This was one of their birthday presents, they loved this picnic table! I love it too. I folds up for easy storage and the umbrella is a great added bonus! They also got the water/sand table with an umbrella for their birthday! That was so funny watching them splash each other with the water, we haven't tried sand in it yet.

Casen's facial expression on this page is priceless, look is at those cute little hands fixing to dive in. He ended up just using one finger and smearing the icing on his and Ella's face. It looked like the had make up on!

Here are their 2yr old check up stats:
ella: 24lbs 321/2 in tall
cole: 25lbs 34 1/4 in tall
cooper: 29lbs 341/2 in tall
casen: 26lbs and 33in tall
They are doing so many new things, still have great sleepy habits. They go to bed around 7pm and get up at 7-8am! They only take one nap a day from 12-3 so I am not complaining. They are starting to be really picky eaters. I am hoping this is just a phase. Coopers temper tantrums are awful right now! He throws himself down and then backwards, although he had bumped his head enough now that he eases backwards. He tries to pull his hair out too when he gets mad. UGH! I know this too shall pass. Ella has become VERY bossy~and her favorite word is NO! Casen and Cole are still my worse bitters! I will say, it has gotten now where they are biting few & far between. Cole is still the most verbal, and Casen is still a HAM! They have also become skilled CLIMBERS, which scares the dickens out of me! However, life is good and I wouldn't change a thing. Happy 2nd Birthday to our sweet babies (toddlers)~