I honestly think there should be a blogger award out there given to the person that is late on blogging EVERYTHING! Ok enough with pour me!

Dear Jeremy, 
We spent father's day here at the house. Jeremy was still working everynight on the shutdown at work, so he slept most of the day. That's ok, cause our daddy works hard and he brings home our groceries, so we won't complain. When he got up, I told him let's give it a shot and put the babies in the big pool. I had went out earlier that day and found the floats with canopys. Of course I could only find 3 that matched. Oh well! He aired them up and I smothered the babies in sunblock, and if you look close enough at some of the pics, I didn't rub it in good enough, or got way to much on them. Well, techincally I don't think I could put too much sunblock on them. You get the idea! Some of them look like they had powder poured on them. They had so much fun. Ella loves the water, so much that she wants to just "jump" right in. We also got a visit from Nonnie & Popo on there way back in from out of town. I went to visit my dad and before we knew it our daddy had to go back to work. We really enjoyed our time together. I know some of you are asking yourselves why Kennedy & Haiden aren't in any of the pictures? That is because they were out of town at my mom's house. They spent the week there, and were flying in town the next day with my mom. So Jeremy got to celebrate father's day twice!
You are such a wonderful husband & father. I couldn't ask for a better man. You unselfishly give so much of yourself to be able to provide for our family. I love the way the kid's faces light up when you come in from work, and all 6 go running for you saying "daddy's home". Then one by one you give them their individual attention, and they just smile and look you in your eyes. Ah, it melts my heart. Our children are so lucky to have you and be able to say your their daddy. You are someone I admire and have so much respect for. I know sometimes life can get crazy, but having you as their daddy & my husband, ANYTHING is possible. I love you and hope you had a wonderful father's day and look forward to spending so many more with all of you.
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