I found this really cute recipe for turkey sugar cookie online. I asked Kennedy & Haiden if they wanted to make them and take to school. Well, Haiden informed me that maybe he was a little too old for that, but Kennedy jumped at the idea. The 3 of us decorated them and had a great time. She took them to school to share with her class. When I picked her up from school that day, I asked her, "how where the cookies"? She told me "EVERYBODY loved them, but some people said that candy corn is gross". It is so funny the things kids say. I had to agree with some of her classmates, I am not a fan of candy corn. Here is the picture of the final product.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fight for Preemies
Fight for Preemies~~~~~~~~~~Bloggers Unite
Since it is National Preemie Awareness I wanted to share a little bit about our preemies.
I can't believe it has been 19 1/2 mos since we welcomed our 4 tiny 2lb preemies into this world. It was one of the scariest moments of my life. I blamed myself for not being able to carry them longer, but I know now I DID do everything I could to carry them for as long as I did. Cooper's placenta had other plans, and for that we had an emergency c-section at 28wks 5days. Each of the babies were born 11wks premature. Each baby only weighing 2lbs. I remember the first time I was able to "really" walk to the NICU, I had to make a stop at the lactation office for the hook-ups for the breast pump, while I was there I saw these precious little tan colored teddy bears. The bears were wearing a t-shirt that had March of Dimes on it. The nurses had just told us that we could put something in the beds with the babies. I immediately bought a teddy bear for each of the babies. I didn't realize at the time that the $5 bear I had just bought was a donation to the March of Dimes and what this organization was ALL about. That day I went home and got on the Internet to find out all I could about the March of Dimes. I am so glad I did, because just 3 days earlier, I had given birth to four preemies.
We are very blessed and our story has a happy ending, unfortunately not everyone has the same story with there preemie/preemies. We did have our shares of ups & downs and rode the "famous" NICU roller coaster ride. But let me just say this, it is not a ride I would wish on anyone. However, after the ride was over, I had 4 healthy & happy babies, and I will never be able to thank The Womens Hospital NICU doctors, nurses & staff enough for what they did for our four babies. We are so thankful for them. I thank God everyday for blessing us with these 4 beautiful babies, and that we were chosen to be their parents. I can't even imagine my life with out them, or all six of my kids. So please check out the link about Bloggers unite and read all about March of Dimes.
We are very blessed and our story has a happy ending, unfortunately not everyone has the same story with there preemie/preemies. We did have our shares of ups & downs and rode the "famous" NICU roller coaster ride. But let me just say this, it is not a ride I would wish on anyone. However, after the ride was over, I had 4 healthy & happy babies, and I will never be able to thank The Womens Hospital NICU doctors, nurses & staff enough for what they did for our four babies. We are so thankful for them. I thank God everyday for blessing us with these 4 beautiful babies, and that we were chosen to be their parents. I can't even imagine my life with out them, or all six of my kids. So please check out the link about Bloggers unite and read all about March of Dimes.
Here is pictures of the babies at one day old and 19mos old~they are in birth order Ella, Cole, Cooper & Casen

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Blogger Missing in Action
I was so good about blogging and keeping everyone up to date on the latest and greatest with Perez Party of 8, but as some of you may have noticed and commented about, I have not been blogging very much lately. What could possibly be the reason for this you ask????????? Other than the fact that I have 4 very ACTIVE quadruplets, 10 yr old, 6 yr old & a wonderful husband who has been on straight nights since August. Actually none of that believe it or not. The real reason I haven't been blogging, is because I have just recently embarked on a new adventure. When God blessed us with quadruplets, making me a stay at home again to all 6 of our kids, which is the BEST job EVER, I had no idea I would get the opportunity to even fulfill this idea I had!!!!!! What I am getting at, is this, I have recently started my own business called Southern Chic Boutique. I am making & selling rhinestone apparel (crosses, Fleur De lis, sports mom & sooo much more)

hair bows & interchangeable crochet headbands

tutus~can do any color tutu & and matching hair bow!

pillowcase dresses/matching bow~these are great dresses if it his cold (you can wear it with leggings & long sleeve shirt under it) if hot out side just put some bloomers under it. Get 2 seasons out of 1 dress.

I am also adding new stuff all the time. I wanted to do something that I really liked but that was also affordable to . With that idea in mind, I started my business. It has been doing really well, and I am in the process of getting a website up & running. However, I do have a business page on facebook if you are interested in checking out my stuff. I can also do custom work with any of my products. So if you don't see what your looking for or already have something in mind, send me and email I we can work together to meet your needs. I will also offer discounts to anyone buying multiples items at once. If you would you like to order something, and you mention this post I will give you 10% discount or free shipping. So go check out my stuff and tell me what you think. I will have a blog now that will be just for my business, but in the mean time I wanted to let my blogger friends know what I have been up to.
Here are a couple of pics of my stuff~

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
First School Dance
I can't believe I am sitting here writing this. Haiden went to his first school dance last weekend.

He was so excited to go, so what does a dance mean.......new clothes of course. Off we went to get him some new clothes. We had so much fun shopping, I couldn't believe it, my son having fun shopping. REALLY??? He got all dressed up and told me "mom I need Dad's cologne because he has the REAL good smelling stuff. I thought that was so funny and so cute, and ALL grown up. WOW! He went with a friend of his, I picked the boys up from the dance. I got all the gossip, hehe! I asked him so, who did you dance with? his response "nobody", WHAT???? He said I did dance the cupid shuffle, but otherwise I didn't dance. He then goes on to tell me, "mom, those girls, they get DOWN, I mean GET DOWN, of course telling me this and cracking up laughing at the same time. I made a comment about him being very giggly, his reply "oh yeah, they had snacks, so I ate 2 bags of chips & 3 candy bars". I just laughed and realized, he is such a guy to want to talk about the food & how much he ate. I remember walking out from picking him up with another mom (who I went to high school with) and I said, "girl, I can't even believe we are picking up our BABIES from a school dance". Man time really does fly. All in all, Haiden had a great time, and looked so handsome all dressed up & ready to go. My question is, do you think he will brag about all the snacks he ate at his senior prom??? HA! 

Friday, October 9, 2009
Box Races ANYONE?
So when all else fails give em boxes, buckets or socks!

This is one of our new found favorites! They love bowls, buckets & spoons!
Cole is one of our thumb suckers! Normally he holds his blanket, but he was sleepy & decided his Daddy's CLEAN sock would do the trick! A little update on Cole, he is not only full blown walking, he is running & CLIMBING!!!!!
The quads got Nana & Nonnie to push them around in these diaper & wipe boxes!
They had the best time doing this. We laughed, they laughed it was just good fun all the around!
Who could leave out this picture of Ella getting kisses from her Dada! Poor baby she is such a snaggle tooth! But the cutest snaggle tooth ever!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Honest Scrap Award!
It seems as though I was nominated by Sandra for the Honest Scrap Award! "What does that mean," you ask?! The idea is to share 10 honest things about yourself that your blog readers may not already know about you, and then pass the award on by nominating 7 other blogs that you find "brilliant in content or design". Sounds easy enough, right? Here We Go…….
1) I love to cook & bake!!!
(2) I am absolutely deathly afraid of the DARK!!!!
(3) I am way too ADD to sit and get fake nails on, even though I love them & how good they look. Although, I did get them done for my sister's wedding this weekend!
(4) I love to get massages & have my back scratched!
(5) The thought of having to watch a scary movie makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
(6) I am absolutely in love with CLAY WALKER (so much that I went to see him in a wheelchair 24 wks pregnant with QUADS)
(7) Seeing my husband with a ball cap turned around backwards still makes me weak in the knees!!! Yes, even after 15 yrs of being together!
(8)Eating sweets for breakfast is the bestest thing EVER!!!!
(9)The more bling I can put on, the better!!! I love RHINESTONES!!! So much so that I just started my own business! Southern Chic Boutique~selling rhinestone apparel!
(10)I am always worried if I have hurt someones feelings or if they are mad at me! Although, I have gotten so much better I am still a worrier!
TIME TO PASS IT ON...............................
Astrid from Surviving Triplets
Celeste from Sweet Pea plus Three
Mari from Goerlich Quadruplets
Tina from Mclean Blessed 4ever
1) I love to cook & bake!!!
(2) I am absolutely deathly afraid of the DARK!!!!
(3) I am way too ADD to sit and get fake nails on, even though I love them & how good they look. Although, I did get them done for my sister's wedding this weekend!
(4) I love to get massages & have my back scratched!
(5) The thought of having to watch a scary movie makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
(6) I am absolutely in love with CLAY WALKER (so much that I went to see him in a wheelchair 24 wks pregnant with QUADS)
(7) Seeing my husband with a ball cap turned around backwards still makes me weak in the knees!!! Yes, even after 15 yrs of being together!
(8)Eating sweets for breakfast is the bestest thing EVER!!!!
(9)The more bling I can put on, the better!!! I love RHINESTONES!!! So much so that I just started my own business! Southern Chic Boutique~selling rhinestone apparel!
(10)I am always worried if I have hurt someones feelings or if they are mad at me! Although, I have gotten so much better I am still a worrier!
TIME TO PASS IT ON...............................
Astrid from Surviving Triplets
Celeste from Sweet Pea plus Three
Mari from Goerlich Quadruplets
Tina from Mclean Blessed 4ever
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Just A Swingin'
They had a really good time swinging. Well............everyone but Cole.
It just wasn't his thing. He fussed but everyone else was all SMILES! A couple of them even went down the slide. All in all it was a great experience and we look forward to many more trips to the park with all of the kids.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Look Who's Walking TOO!
He is doing really cute things right now as well. He is holding up his pointer finger when you ask him how old he is, mimics your laugh and says"hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" with the cutest grin ever. All of the babies are doing cute stuff as well. Everyone except for Casen is saying "amen"! Ella is still walking around saying mama over and over and over again, but I am certainly not complaining. Cooper and Cole are saying "wow", Cooper is also now telling us "uh uh"! Cole is still the most verbal of them all, speaking of him he is finally taking steps. I guess he is too busy being bossy, that he doesn't have time for walking! HA! He is saying "pow pow" "wow" "amen" "hot dog"! I know many of you are waiting on the part II of the 4th of July trip so that is coming soon. I have a "big something" in the works, so my time has been a little preoccupied. 
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Happy Birthday Kennedy Elizabeth
She is still very much into dancing and loves her BLING! I can't imagine where she gets that from. 
She is out of town visiting her mamaw & papaw martin this week and attending VBS, but will be home this weekend, so will be able to celebrate her birthday. In just a few short weeks she will be going to first grade, that just doesn't seem real. So "nennedy lou bop" have a wonderful birthday. We love you.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Watch out world we officially have two walkers in the house. Cooper and Ella have taken off. I can't believe it. I really thought Casen would be the one to walk first, but apparently Cooper and Ella had other plans. Cooper had been taking steps, and then one day out of the blue Ella backed up against the couch and took off walking. 

They still tumble down, but 95% of the time they are walking everywhere. You might ask yourself what does that mean for us, well......... Let me tell you, that means we now also have climbers! They can walk and climb! Lucky us! HA! I will have to admit, it is very nice having them walk, especially when we are going from one place to the next. Like in the house or out to the car. I'm sure I won't be saying that once they don't want to be held anymore because they can walk, but in the meantime it is great to see them developing so wonderfully.
Casen isn't too far behind on walking, but he is such a "mama's boy", he would actually have to get off my hip and get down to practice walking. Cole is also doing an awesome job, so good in fact that ECI will not discontinue seeing him after August. They said he has worked out his "issues" that his low muscle tone was causing. That is wonderful news for him. He can stand by himself, and will take a few steps with a little support under his elbows. Before long all of these lil' stinkers will have on their "boogie shoes"! Stay tuned for the "part 2 of our road trip/4th of July post!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July weekend/first road trip PART-1
Yes, you have read that correctly. I am gonna have to post this in three parts due to all the "excitement" that went into our 4th of July weekend and 1st road trip. I took lots of advice from my fellow quad moms on taking a road trip. I got to packing first because clearly that was going to be the biggest challenge of this whole adventure "I thought" (more on that later) I put all 6 kids outfits & pj's in a big ziploc for each day. I did the same with their swimming attire.
Then I put 4 booster seats , 4 pool floats, diaper bag for road, toys, snacks, movies, GATES, runabout stroller all in the garage to load up the next morning. Thankfully my mom had gotten 4 pack n plays for us, so we didn't have to worry about packing that. We got up Friday at 6am, Jeremy loaded the Expedition with all "the STUFF".
I was busy changing babies and feeding them breakfast so we wouldn't have to stop and feed them that meal on the road. That is a note to self good idea. Last we loaded the kids and finally ourselves!
However, Haiden (who has HORRIBLE migraines) started complaining of a headache, so we gave him his medicine and hoped he would be able to sleep his headache off. WRONG!!!! That will be in post #2.
We did make 3 stops along the road: one to change Ella's poop diaper, then Cooper's poop diaper, and last to change Casen's poop diaper and clothes. Yes, ladies & gentlemen he POOPED all over himself and his car seat. You can just imagine the stink that came from that mess.HA!

However after 5 1/2 hrs on the road we made it to Mamaw's & Papaw's house. We got unloaded and were ever so glad to be out of the car.
We went straight in to "baby proof" the house with the gates. Unfortunately, my poor Haiden was not getting any better from his migraine, so he went to lay down and Jeremy and I just plopped ourselves down. Funny you would think after being in the car for 5 1/2 hrs, sitting would be the last thing we would want to do, but we were ready to just PLOP!
I have to say all in all the road trip wasn't bad at ALL!
Stay tuned for the 4th of July post, which will be part 2~
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