Sorry this is a little late!

I am still sitting here in disbelief that is has been a year since the quads were born. And we're still alive to tell about it. HA! We had a great party for them, as you all know from the previous post, we did a monkey theme. Let me tell you how hard this was to find stuff to decorate with. So, I had to result to making some of the decorations. I made their birthday banner out of monkey & colored card stock. Then we hung it above the fireplace. I made their birrthday hats, out of monkey material, pom-poms & rhinestones for Ellas. I bought an oval glass dish, and filled it with green M&M's and stuck monkey face suckers in it. I did however find some cute monkey's hanging from palm trees. I just placed them is different places around the house. I also found monkey's hanging from palm tree sticks, so I made a fruit bouquet. I stuck them in a green pail I found from the dollar spot at Target. Last but not least, I made the cake, and their individual cakes. I totally hated how theirs turned out, and to be honest I really didn't love the big cake, but it worked. We rented a moon walk for the big kids to have something to do, and the babies just loved on all the family and friends that were there. We did hotdogs and finger foods, since the party was at 2 in the afternoon. You should have seen them with all of the presents, they were so excited to be able to have so many bows, tissue paper and wrapping paper to chose from to eat. They loved it! Then came one of my favorite parts of all, with the help of two friends, we put a DVD together of their first year, no one knew about it. They loved it, of course they could have rung my neck for making them cry, but it was a happy cry, I am so glad I have that DVD. It took along time to put together but so worth it. Ah yes, my other favorite part of the party. CAKE!!!!!!!!!! They dove right in! Casen was such a cake hog, he tried to steal Cooper and Ella's every chance he got. Ella loved it as did Cole. Cooper is not a huge sweets fan, so he made hair products out of his cake and icing.HA! After the fun with the cake, we quickly gave them a bath and their bottle. They hung out for a while, but they were so tired they crashed at 5:45 PM and never woke up! Happy Birthday to my sweet angels!

Wow, you did a great job. I love to make everything for my girls birthday.
Well, that certainly looks like a VERY happy birthday! The family pic is WONDERFUL! I don't know how you did it! I was trying to take pics of mine today and it was not happening! And, you manage to look so cute and calm! I would be gritting my teeth by the time everyone was looking in the same direction! Thanks for sharing!
Great decorations:) Looks like an awesome day! (And dont you just love making people cry happy tears:)?
Wow! It looks like it was a very fun and awesome 1st birthday for the quaddies! You did a great job with the decorations and cakes! I still love the monkey theme :D Very cute!
Can you believe they are a year old now? I know I am still in shock when I think that our girls are almost 14mo. What?! It feels like yesterday that we were just making our daily trips to the NICU. Man, how time flies!
What a beautiful family of 8 you have there! BEAUTIFUL!
Thanks for sharing! I always love seeing pics of your kids :D
-fellow quad mom of 1yo GGGG and a 5yo boy
I think you did a great job on the cakes!thepicts of them chowing down on their cakes are hilarious! Glad ya'll had a great day!Don't you love the alphabet pad?! we have one on our floor to for the babies to play on.n Talk to ya soon, Tina
Thank you for such sweet comments,I am still shocked that a year has flown by!
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