I stopped today and realized that a year ago, I had just had the cerclage put in, and was resting and growing four sweet miracles, that we would be meeting in April. Of course we didn't know that then, but April 2, Cooper's placenta had had enough.
Christmas morning Haiden & Kennedy woke us up to tell us Santa had come to town, and they wanted to get the babies up. That is just what we did, little did the babies know that they would get more paper to eat. Just kidding! The big kids came down and saw what Santa had left for them, they were so excited, but what took my breath away was when the big kids left their toys and went over to the babies, and said "come on Ella, Cole, Cooper & Casen Santa left you all stuff too" they picked up the babies one by one and carried them to their presents, and began to play with them. Never even thinking about their toys, just wanting to play with their brothers & sister on Christmas morning. I always worried before they were born, if the older kids would be jealous, and still amazes me that they have never been jealous or resented the quads. They are such sweet children. All six of them! Shortly, the babies were getting fussy, and not very interested in their toys. So we laid them down and played with Haiden & Kennedy. It was a great morning. Auntie Ashley showed up to play with everyone, and shortly after Auntie Heather and Gavin came as well.
I got to cooking for Christmas lunch, since we were expecting more family. My Papaw & Gammy , Uncle Bubba & Aunt Sherri, Hunter, Luke, Uncle Mark, Auntie Heather, Gavin, Nonnie & Popo, Uncle Brian, Mamaw & Papaw, and more family all joined us for lunch. It was great. We decided to do a Mexican Fiesta instead of the traditional foods. It was a HIT! I attempted a new cheesecake recipe, and even though it was a 5 hour ordeal, and a mess in Ashley's oven, it was the BEST cheesecake ever. Thank you Mimi for the recipe.
Of course with more family came more presents, and again same story eating paper & bows, and climbing on packages. Poor babies, they were soooo overwhelmed. They got to spend time with their great grandparents, which is always so special since Papaw is 85!