Nana bought the cutest Christmas pj's for the babies. They looked like a bunch of candy canes. We went to Nonnie & Popo's for Christmas Eve to open presents. The kids were so cute, all they wanted to do was eat the tissue paper or bows. Except Casen, he has learned how to pull up on everything. Mr. Climber was always wanting to climb on the boxes or pull up on them. Now, granted he has absolutely no idea how to get down. He looks like a pole falling, no bending, just straight back. I feel myself always holding my breath, just praying he doesn't hit his head or break something. I can't ever seem to catch him in time. What a stinker. After Nana brought over the pj's we got them dressed for bed, and laid them down in hopes of St. Nick would soon arrive. But before he could arrive Cooper, Ella & Casen wanted to check out the lights on Nonnie's tree. They sure wanted to get them to there mouth. After we did finally get them toi bed, Nonnie, Auntie Heather and I got to making the enchiladas for Christmas Dinner.
I love those jammies!
BTW- found you through Steece's Pieces
Cutest babies!!!
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