The babies went to their first Christmas party. My Aunt Debbie always has Christmas Eve at her house, but since a lot of us have little ones, we have moved it to a Saturday in December. It is always a fun time with family, and lots of yummy foods, (boiled shrimp my favorite). I was a little nervous about how the babies would act since their bedtime is 6pm. To my surprise they were perfect little angels. In fact, several family members commented on how good they were. One funny memory of the night was when Ella, Cooper & Cole got their first taste of a sour pickle. They loved it, in fact Cooper liked to have ripped his Nana's hand off to eat the whole thing. She had to call in reinforcement to help her. We laughed forever at Coop. Ella and Cole made the funniest faces, but of course wanted more. When we were opening presents all they wanted to do was eat the wrapping paper, that was really all they were interested in. Jeremy's family joined us this year, and it was wonderful to have them there. As the night came to an end, we decided to change them into their pj's for the ride home, and of course they went right to sleep. We took them straight from the car to bed, and viola.... they slept through the night. It'll be interesting to see the difference next year, being a year older.

Cooper with Hazel

Casen and his Uncle Mark
Cole with Auntie Heather
Cole getting a taste of a pickle
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